Shilpi Das

Founder – Shilpi’s Voice & Visuals.
Voice Artist, Coach, Sound & Voice Healer, POSH & DEI Evangelist.

Gifted with a distinctively rich, powerful, deep and resonating voice, and the timbre that stands out, Shilpi Das possesses the rare versatility of playing with her voice at various ranges. On one hand, she can sound commanding, serious, husky, mature and sensuous, on the other hand, she can sound enthusiastic, lively, young and peppy.

This very flexibility in her voice led her to explore the world of sound and voice healing and get herself certified. In line with her philanthropic mindset, she uses her well-honed healing skills to understand and serve the elderly.

Her voice skills, dedication and perseverance have helped her explore the possibilities of lending her voice to a myriad of advertisements and documentaries. As a voice coach she helps many enthusiasts by training and mentoring them to pursue successful careers.

On one end, she pursues her voice caching skills to help career-minded people and on the other, she uses her sound healing skills to help others in healing themselves, especially the elderly.

the Artist

Gifted with a distinctively rich, powerful, deep and resonating voice, and a timbre that stands out, Shilpi is versatile and plays with her voice at various ranges.
On one hand she can sound commanding, serious, husky, mature and sensuous, on the other hand she can sound enthusiastic, lively, young and peppy.

the Coach

Shilpi uses all her experience to coach budding voice artists and corporate leaders on a schedule to help them use their voice better. She is a strict disciplinarian and holds the coachee’s hands until they become adept at their skills. She also mentors them for 3 months after they finish their training schedule.

Voice Coach

the Advisor

Shilpi believes in celebrating gender differences. As a certified POSH Trainer, she advocates setting goals for shunning or dropping social conditioning, evading stereotypes and surmounting obstacles to ensure gender harmony. Our level of spiritual evolvement determines our experience with the opposite gender in all relationships – personally as well as professionally.

DEI & POSH Advisor

the Healer

Being a certified Voice and Sound healer, Shilpi uses her skills to bring peace to stressed & lonely elders, and others who suffer from various stress and trauma related disorders like insomnia, hypertension, depression, autism, arthritis, thyroid, migraine, cancer, dementia etc. She also conducts corporate stress-relief workshops to elevate the workplace collective consciousness and increase team productivity.

Sound Healer

the Spiritualist

The Spiritual Body is the foundation of the mental, emotional and physical existence. In the dog-eat-dog world, we often ignore the needs of our Spiritual Body, quite unlike religious fanaticism, the zest to satisfy the cravings of the physical body and the pressure of being accepted in the glitz and glamour of this world. Nurturing the spirit is the only way forward to ensure health, happiness and harmony. As a Spiritual Coach Shilpi assists you in restoring your vibrational balance, enabling your spiritual development by embracing various practices.

Spiritual Coach

the Philanthropist

Shilpi strongly believes that Art & Philanthropy go hand in hand. In addition to supporting arts and artists, she also works in the domain of elderly psychological care and betterment of artisans through her trust – Charista Foundation.

Charista Foundation

The Sound of your Voice!

Your voice is the sweetest to you in all of the world! Isn’t it? Think, if it sounds as sweet to your listeners. A powerful and trained voice denotes a leader (alongside other qualities). Are you looking forward to a great career? If yes, then training your voice is the first step of the success ladder.

We at SVV believe in holistic wellness through restoration of vibrational balance.
We promote art, philanthropy, spirituality & self-development through professional and social initiatives