The importance of Human Voice

The human vocal apparatus is the most natural, oldest and completely self contained instrument. Vocal music is the oldest form of music, since all it requires is the human voice and no other instrument. In fact ,the musical notes were initially derived from human vocal tones. The musical instruments are inspired by the human voice.

My Philosophy

“Voiceover is my passion. Being a voice artist makes one an auditory performer who use their voice unhindered yet play it skilfully like a musical instrument with the knowledge to control it, to produce the right effect and evoke an emotional response. You must set your voice free first!. The power to bring words alive with the most living sound, the human voice is one of the most creative professions.”

“Action speaks louder than words”, however actions need to “speak” to deliver the right message. The reason why the human narrative is sought to evoke the right emotional response.

The narrative adds meaning, and also helps create an emotional connect with the audience, which is critical to delivering the right message. So, choosing the right voice for the right content, is important, especially if you are creating the audio or video to achieve a business objective. Now, the need for a trained, professional and experienced voice artist comes to the fore. You will begin to look for that right voice, first among your list of connections or, you will reach out to voice agents/coordinators, recording studios or post-production partners.  

Shilpi has exhibited an inherent talent to narrate stories right since her school days. She reminiscces when it was her turn to read, there would be pin-drop silence. 

As a professional voice over artist she understands that the craft of voicing is more than owning a great voice. It’s about creating an experience, establishing the right connection, and stirring up emotions.

As a dependable, professional voice artist and voice coach, she says:

  • I understand that voice-over is critical to your project.
  • I take keen interest in understanding the tone of your project.
  • I add aesthetic value to your creation.
  • I use my voicing craft to convey the message, the way you want it, to your audience.
  • I set the tone for your video’s message. 
  • I partner with you to bring your script alive and create the desired impact. 
  • The successful completion of your project is my foremost aim. 

Voice as a communication tool

Voices are important for humans. Voice is the medium through which we communicate with the outside world: our ideas, and of course,  our emotions and our personality. Voice enables us to engage in meaningful conversations and convey our intent. It has a critical  impact on key decisions. Appropriate vocal functioning facilitates the effectiveness of communication.

We respond to sounds emotionally, more so to the human voice as it has the power to evoke a varied range of emotions. As ancient as it is from the time of story tellers or ‘kathavachak’ who performed with their voice, gestures and expressions, it is evident that stories still live due to their skilful story telling and art of narrating.

Reminisce the sounds of hawkers and vendors at a railway station. Amidst the chaos, we make buying decisions. The commercials we have been hearing and watching, the element of human voice mouthing the taglines in many advertisements in a particular rhythm get etched in our mind and heart. A film or a documentary is a pleasurable, entertaining and informative experience as we auditorily connect with the voices of the characters and those behind the scenes that narrate the stories.

The profession of a voice artist is quite an interesting one as vocal expressions play the primary role in their life. With the use of effective voice modulation the voice artist creates an experience for the listeners in myriad ways for a variety of entertaining and informative audio-visual content.

Similar to the experience of listening to a singer who pours their emotions into the lyrics apart from the singing techniques emotionally stirring their listeners, a voiceover artist has a huge responsibility to bring words alive with the skilful technique of using the right pitch, pace, pause, pronunciation, inflection, enunciation, keyword emphasis, expression etc. creating a rhythm and melody with words. A seasoned artist knows how to decide on these important elements of oral delivery or vocal performance depending upon the ethos of the content and its desired outcome.

That’s why the use of effective voice modulation is the difference between a crowd pleasing speech and a boring one!


“The human voice is the most beautiful instrument of all, but it is the most difficult to play” said Richard Strauss [German composer, pianist and violinist, 11 June 1864 – 8 September 1949].

No wonder the truth is, modulation isn’t easy.

As Shilpi discovered the world of voiceovers in her quest to enjoy the freedom of not being bound to a job, embracing this creative profession served the purpose and propelled her inherent talent of narration using her gifted voice for a variety of interesting projects. It has been a professionally enriching and soulfully fulfilling discovery that lead her to the rest of the career choices she made eventually.

You may listen to some of her work…….

Hire her for your upcoming voiceover requirement.

S Nandha Kumar

S Nandha Kumar - Corporate Film Maker into production of Corporate films, Advertisements, Promotional Videos, Training videos.

20th April, 2023

We were working on a dubbing project for Syndicate Bank which needed 3 female voices. I called one of my friends who referred me to a voice artist. I called her, briefed the requirement and sent the script post which I got a mail with 3 different modulation fitting in perfectly for all the 3 characters. “Versatile” I would call. She is thoroughly professional and a sweetheart to work with. If you ask for a professional, perfect voice in English, Hindi or Bengali I will point my finger towards one person – Shilpi Das.

S Nandha Kumar
Miles C.

Miles C. - CEO/ Managing Director and Co-Founder of | Media Localization | Any language. Any Accent.

20th April, 2023

We recently began working with Shilpi and we couldn’t be more pleased. She really offers everything one could ask for from a voice actor. She’s communicative, responsive, easy to work with and professional. Most importantly, she delivers a fantastic performance. We highly recommend her to anyone considering her services and we look forward to working with ourselves on many more projects.

Miles C.

We at SVV believe in holistic wellness through restoration of vibrational balance.
We promote art, philanthropy, spirituality & self-development through professional and social initiatives