It would be interesting to ponder about the origin of Religion and Science. Intuition ruled over logical reasoning here!
Sound is pivotal to our existence! The foundational reason why sound, music and vibrational healing are the medicine of the future.
Bible says, ”In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God”. There’s no beginning or end of God. God created this Universe that we came into being. Do you see any flaw in the precision of this orderly Universe? Think about how perfect the gravity is, neither is it more powerful than it is nor is it less powerful. It is just as strong as it is supposed to be to keep this Universe in order.
On the other hand the whole philosophy of Hinduism is based on the science of vibration condensed in just two words that make a whole sentence, ‘Nada Brahma’ – Sound is God, Sound is the Creator. So, god used sound to create the perfect Homo Sapien.
It is not a surprise that the recitation of Quran plays a central role in the life of a devout Muslim for it’s a fundamental Islamic belief that ‘Allah chose the sound of the human voice for his revelation’. The praising of Allah has a chant and the chant has a frequency. Sound waves of recitation of Holy Quran activate body cells and cure illnesses.
Sikhism is no different as it says ‘God created the Universe from one sound and from the sound millions of rivers flowed’. Sound is considered to be His Name literally said ‘Naam’ that Sikhs recite and call the process ‘Naam Jaap’. From this sound ‘Naam’ all beings are created so ‘Naam Jaap’ is pivotal to a Sikh. It means to create a strong vibration through ‘Naam Jaap’ that opens the path of transformation by vibrating the infinite cosmos within us.

History is replete with information that since the beginning of humanity, sound is being used to change consciousness. Sound has the power to alter our mood and elevate our thoughts. Whether it is the Drums in Africa, Gongs in Asia, Didgeridoo in Australia, Rainsticks in Chile, Temple bells in India, or the Singing Bowls from the times of Buddha, sounds from these ancient instruments have been used to foster a sense of unity and heightened collective consciousness. These sounds continue to sooth and comfort us.
You see ‘sound’ is the fundamental pillar of all ancient cultures and religions. Since eons we have. worshipped ‘Sound’ or used it in some form to elevate our respective communities. It’s an inherent inclination. The integration of human voice in the form of chanting of mantras, recitation of Quran, Naam Jaap, singing hymns and prayers with the practice of using sacred instruments like bells, gongs, conch prove our deep association with sound. All cultures have promoted spiritual growth, stronger connection with God, enlightenment, health and healing with such practices.
Now if ‘sound’ signifies growth, peace and harmony, something that every religion in this world preaches, why on earth are we attracting all kinds of diseases and disorders? This calls for a journey within ourselves, because we have the answers inside us. Our intuitive self knows, yet we turn a blind eye.
Think about the quality of life today. We have made wondrous progress in the field of science and technology. This constant advancement has enabled us to create all gadgets and tools of comfort and convenience. The unstoppable curiosity of the human mind has placed us in an era that our ancestors probably couldn’t have imagined. Economic growth has also been on a gradual uphill ride due to the wider reach of education and availability of professional opportunities.
Now take a pause from feeling glorious, and ask yourself the following fundamental questions. (If you feel comfortable, you can share your thoughts in the comments section.)
– How would you rate the quality of your relationships?
– How disease free and stress free are you?
– How good or bad are your stress levels?
– How happy do you fee intrinsically?
– Is your existence a harmonious one?
– How do you view societal progress as of today?
– What is your opinion about human bonding at community levels?
– How often do you witness acts of empathy, kindness and compassion?
I often find myself pointing out that healthy and loving relationships form the core of our happiness despite all the material luxuries we can afford to accumulate. Our happiness quotient is so much dependant on all our relationships, yet we have been moving away from this primary truth. Burying head into sand is not going to ease the pain. Ignorance isn’t bliss here. The stress we experience is proof that we are going wrong somewhere with something so crucial to our harmonious existence. While stress is a part of dealing with life itself, it is a fact that life’s challenges enhance our mentally capability and makes us emotionally stronger. It’s high time, we address acute and unhealthy stress, an indication of imbalanced life. Instead we accept diseases and disorders as normal treating them with medical intervention.
We do not pay heed to the fact that we are losing the rhythm. Following erratic schedules, unhealthy lifestyle, choosing unfavourable food, depriving ourselves of sleep, alarmingly high cell phone usage, too much entertainment and pleasure is leading us to being wrecks. Adding to this, we blissfully ignore the dreadful frequencies we are surrounded with, by virtue of the unwanted radiation that gadgets and gizmos emit. We are responsible for driving out music from our being and creating cacophony in our lives instead.
Science has proven that every entity in this Universe is constantly tuning with other entities. Our body remains in constant stress searching for harmonious frequencies. Knowingly we are constantly exposing our body, mind and soul to unwanted stress. This indeed is a surest way to invite all sorts of physical diseases and mental disorders.

Depression, insomnia, addiction, dysfunctional thyroid, migraine, diabetes, cancer, hypertension, ulcer, spondylosis, obesity, infertility, autism are just a few known monsters from a never-ending list. Surprisingly, we have accepted them as part of living. Why aren’t we yearning to live without these monsters? It’s indeed going to be a lot of work on ourselves. Sadly, we are so complacent about understanding how being in rhythm with the Universe is elemental to our wellbeing. It is always easier blaming everything but ourselves in taking control of our lives.
Sparing a few who practice mindfulness, most of us are engulfed with illnesses, we are negatively contributing to collective consciousness. Take stock of the state of collective consciousness in this world today. Degraded to the pit, adults abusing and abandoning their parents, broken marriages, number of children being orphaned, cases of murders and sexual offences, wars, causing damage to the environment, torturing animals, corporate rate race, dirty politics, fake gurus – where is humanity headed?
Are we being sound? Humans have reduced to mechanical beings, utterly out of tune – a perfect song without a soul. A sound person is an embodiment of sound mind, sound soul, and sound body. This inference will only get clearer and meaningful as you delve deeper into the spirit and mysticism of sound.
Coincidentally, I have been receiving several inquiries from distressed mothers of children in the autistic spectrum. Sound Healing practice interestingly is all about applying intuitive wisdom. Hence, I find it crucial to first understand the mother, her childhood challenges, professional life, marital life, pregnancy period and post pregnancy time. This gives enormous insights into deriving at why the child started showing autistic symptoms. So should the mother be healed first or child?
We still prefer to live in denial of how stress gets transferred, how far it can travel and the depth of the damage it causes. It is TIME we wake up to taking responsibility of all our misdoings, practice mindful and intentional living, surrender to the rhythm of the Universe, fall in tune with the music inside us and embrace the true meaning of being sound for that is the only way to salvage humanity.
One of our professional sound healers made this profound statement a few days ago, which in itself creates an understanding of the entire cosmos for us.
“Our individual awareness is only rooted in our unique habit patterns, in some scars, in our limited vision. We mostly see ourselves in whatever light we already are present, as our world is only as big as we understand it in this tiny moment.

Collective Consciousness is a primordial source of strength when you, me & we as individual beings can connect to witness ourselves in a new light, begin to see how we are not defined by the world outside of us instead we’re defined by the unique healing potential within.
The ability of collective consciousness is to inspire a deeper awakening within and to help us to not be defined by the external attributes of the society or the world around us but to find inner attributes – a new way to see ourselves and a new way to see the world.
When individuals are rooted in this collective consciousness we tend to find a role, a purpose, a meaning to our life, become natural, we taste harmony. We become healthy. Healthy individuals together create a powerful, positive group awareness. So, when we speak of collective consciousness, it is an elevated group awareness that is rooted in best part of ourselves, best of humanity, a shared vision to grow together – this is where Sound Energy connects us all – that equivalent power which is binds the planets of our Solar System, one that moves all stars in our Milky Way, resonating in its frequency, in a rhythm, individually yet collectively.
Sound Healing is made of such mystical powers, the power of frequency and intention which resets us, make us return to a natural state of ease & harmony, realigns our individual awareness to the higher realms of consciousness and elevate collectively, so we all radiates love & glow with purest energy that illuminates our Universe – inside & outside of us.” – Sound Practitioner [Dhwani, Sound Meditation & Mindfulness].
Dr. Shyam Suraj, a gifted percussionist and certified sound healer adds:

“In sound healing, collective consciousness enhances the healing effects through group sessions where shared intentions and resonance amplify healing vibrations. Participants synchronise energies, fostering unity and transcending individual boundaries, leading to a profound sense of interconnectedness. The collective field of resonance strengthens healing intentions, promoting coherence and balance at both individual and group levels.” – Founder – Dr. Shamrock Foundation & Drum Events India Pvt. Ltd.
Sound is the source of this entire creation called the Universe. It is also the sustenance of this creation. Sound has the power to both create or destroy life. For we are a part of this creation, our reason for being alive and functioning is deeply associated with sound. Yet, the power of sound is beyond human comprehension. Surrendering to the profound healing powers of sound is the only way forward for physical wellness and mental health.
Sound is pivotal to our existence! You will eventually see that sound, music and vibrational healing are going to be the medicine of the future.
Are you ready to embrace the power of sound in your life? If you are contemplating it, trust your intuition and reach out to a certified sound meditation practitioner to take you through this mystical journey of tuning your body with healing frequencies.
Our individual awareness is only rooted in our unique habit patterns, in some scars, in our limited vision. We mostly see ourselves in whatever light we already are present, as our world is only as big as we understand it in this tiny moment.
Collective Consciousness is a primordial source of strength when you, me & we as individual beings can connect to witness ourselves in a new light, begin to see how we are not defined by the world outside of us instead we’re defined by the unique healing potential within.
The ability of collective consciousness is to inspire a deeper awakening within and to help us to not be defined by the external attributes of the society or the world around us but to find inner attributes – a new way to see ourselves and a new way to see the world.
When individuals are rooted in this collective consciousness we tend to find a role, a purpose, a meaning to our life, become natural, we taste harmony. We become healthy. Healthy individuals together create a powerful, positive group awareness. So, when we speak of collective consciousness, it is an elevated group awareness that is rooted in best part of ourselves, best of humanity, a shared vision to grow together – this is where Sound Energy connects us all – that equivalent power which is binds the planets of our Solar System, one that moves all stars in our Milky Way, resonating in its frequency, in a rhythm, individually yet collectively.
Sound Healing is made of such mystical powers, the power of frequency and intention which resets us, make us return to a natural state of ease & harmony, realigns our individual awareness to the higher realms of consciousness and elevate collectively, so we all radiates love & glow with purest energy that illuminates our Universe – inside & outside of us.