This saw participation from experienced professionals namely Mr. Vineet Verma, Executive Director & CEO, Brigade Hospitality & Partner, Celebrations LLP, Mrs. Sumathy Anantharam, Managing Partner – Manasum Retireent Homes, Ms. Geeta Shankar, Co-Founder & Trustee – Omashram Trust, Mr. Gopal Devanahalli, CEO, Manipal Education Americas, Mrs. Chhaya Rajput, the first lady metallurgical engineer from VNIT, Nagpur, a former Scientist with Aeronautical Development Establishment (ADE) – DRDO and Dr. Parimala Jaggesh, Founder and Director of AlaMirap Nutrition Centre.

The panel discussion on both the days brought out myriads of perspectives from the speakers regarding the social cause of Elderly Care and about Music for Health and Wellness.